Benefits of Green Tea, Organic Matcha green tea

Green tea has been around for hundreds of years. It started out in China and Japan and now, the whole world drinks too. You don’t see a Britisher guests leave your house without having a cup of tea. The Europeans and Americans have their own mutations of tea too. Everybody loves tea and everybody drinks it. If you’re wondering why, we’re here to tell you. We’ll give you a quick rundown on the benefits of green tea and one of the most famous forms of green tea, organic matcha green tea, which is used especially for fitness.

Benefits of Green Tea

There are many benefits of Green Tea but here we are revealing some important benefits and In addition to that we are also explaining about the organic matcha green tea.

1. Weight Loss

Green tea increases metabolism. What’s metabolism, you say? It’s the rate at which your body burns calories. Green tea has a compound called poly-phenol which causes your body to burn through the fat in your body faster. So, if you’re on a diet, I highly recommend you go some green tea, specifically, Matcha Green Tea. I’ll tell you why as you read on.

Benefits of Green Tea, Organic Matcha green tea


2. Reduces Cholesterol

Green tea helps regulate the glucose levels of your body, thereby slowing the rise of blood sugar after eating. This regulates your insulin levels and reduces the rate of fat storage. Research suggests that drinking five cups of green tea per day will provide high reduction in cholesterol.

Benefits of Green Tea

Benefits of Green Tea, Organic Matcha Green Tea

3. Healthy Gums

Regular drinking of green tea can be quite beneficial to your oral health. Studies suggests that the chemical antioxidant, “catechin” in tea, can destroy bacteria and viruses that cause throat infections, dental caries and other dental conditions.

Benefits of Green Tea, Organic Matcha Green Tea


4. Good for your skin

Green tea can apparently also help with wrinkles and the signs of ageing. This is due to of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Both animal and human studies have demonstrated that green tea applied topically can reduce sun damage.

Benefits of Green Tea, Organic Match Green Tea


5. Anti-viral and anti-bacterial

Green Tea has strong antibacterial and antiviral agents which are very effective for treating everything from influenza to cancer. In some studies green tea has been shown to inhibit the spread of many diseases.

Also Read :- Tips To Get Lighter Skin Naturally

What is matcha green tea?

Matcha green tea is green tea and is entitled to having the benefits of green tea. But there’s a difference. When you make traditional green tea, you boil the leaves in hot water and the vital components infuse with the hot water while you throw the leaves away. With matcha, you’re drinking the actual leaves, which have been finely powdered and made into a solution, traditionally by mixing about a teaspoon of matcha powder with a third cup of hot water (heated to less than a boil), which is then whisked with a bamboo brush until it froths. So, matcha is powdered green tea, then.

Benefits of Green Tea, Organic Matcha Green Tea


How do I make matcha green tea?

Unlike traditional green tea, matcha preparation involves covering the tea plants with shade cloths before they’re harvested. This triggers the growth of leaves with better flavour and texture, which are hand selected, steamed briefly to stop fermentation, then dried and aged in cold storage, which deepens the flavour. The dried leaves are then stone-ground into a fine powder.

Benefits of Green Tea, Organic Matcha Green Tea


So, how is matcha any better than traditional green tea?

While green tea can range from very low to very high grade, matcha is relatively high grade. That alone doesn’t make it better. A common pitfall is to compare a matcha with a low grade green tea commonly sold in the West. Because they’re two totally different. One is much more expensive than the other – they are simply not comparable. Real matcha is grown in shaded conditions, a farming practice reserved only for the best of Japanese tea. This process slows the growth of tea plants and increases its theanine content. Perhaps the single most reliable indicator of quality, theanine counter-balances the action of caffeine and has a calming effect on the body. Matcha tastes sweet and is slightly astringent. Like high grade green tea, it is harvested from the young buds in spring. This, together with the labour intensive process of stone-grinding the dried leaves into powder, means that it is expensive. Not only this, matcha have the same health benefits as the benefits of green tea but in a more amplified way. So, you get better weight loss, better skin, lower cholesterol levels, etc. So, overall, my argument stands firm in favour of matcha.

So, these are the benefits of green tea and organic matcha green tea. Which do you prefer? Let us know in the comments section down below. If you’d like to give us a thumbs up, share this on your favourite social network. And if there’s any other topic or tech you want our experts’ opinion on, they’ll be hanging out in the contact us section up top. As always, thanks for reading. Have a great day ahead. Cheers!


benefits of green teaorganic matcha green tea