What Are The Best Wedding Venues Of Delhi?

Best wedding venues of Delhi, wedding venues in Delhi, wedding venues India 

Most of the people might have heard the saying “Marriages Are Made In Heaven” and we have to celebrate that heavenly marriage to the fullest with fun and enjoyment. First of all, we need a perfect place to celebrate it without any interruptions. The choice of a perfect wedding venue is a big deal. Truth be told – it’s colossal! First of all the venue sets the tone for the entire ceremony. Decorations and flowers can’t save from the consequences of a poor decision. You can decorate a tent in the wood with gold and rubies all you want, but, in the end, it will remain a simple tent anyway. Marriage is once in a life and don’t ruin it with a poor decision and cost saving ideas. So, here are the list of best wedding venues in dlehi which will provide you a good floor to celebrate.

Luckily there is a fine list of wedding venues in Delhi for your consideration. I am willing to discuss these places of marital interest in more detail right here and right now for your further comfort.

The best wedding venues of Delhi

What are the fanciest, most luxurious places to host a wedding in Delhi? Feeling confused, here is the small ist we have prepared for you. Go ahead and have a look at our list.

  1. Dwarka Place Hotel –  With two prominent halls fit for 200 and 500 people and the prices starting from 800 rupees per plate this place combines a great hall and lovely, affordable price tags. A perfect combination of balance between the price and quality! Do note that the hotel will only allow approved decorations. Additional services include photo and video filming and blazing music mixes from an in-house DJ.
  2. The Crown Plaza –  It is a less affordable marriage destination with an average plate kicking off at a whooping 2.508 rupees. The luxury of the halls as well as the level of exquisite service are well worth every last dime you spend.
  3. The Grand Westend – This hotel is known for its fabulous parties and gorgeous halls fit for 200 people each. The dishes start at 1.437 rupees. Approved decorations only. Additional services can vary from an in-house DJ and up to a personalized fireworks show.
  4. The Aye 1  It is the perfect place to run open air festivities. If you feel like being surrounded by nature on your big day rather than the stumpy walls of a hotel – Aye 1 should be your go-to choice.

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Above are the best wedding venues in delhi as per our knowledge. If you have any other alternate ideas then do let us know through the comments section below. We will be waiting for your precious inputs 🙂

Tips for choosing the perfect wedding venue

Any venue can be a great place for a wedding for as long as it fits your personal needs and requirements. Here are a few tips for you to consider before making a decision.

  1. How many guests are you expecting? Note that adding new people into the list is much easier than removing them after all of the orders are placed.
  2. Employ a wedding planner. An experienced assistant has all the levers and connections needed to earn a few discounts and his skill will guide the path for decorations as well.
  3. Visit potential venues in person before making a decision. Their marketing brochures can drastically differ from reality.

Follow all these tips to choose the best wedding venue in Delhi and do let us know if any of the above mentioned venues are not good such that we will remove it from the list. Photography and your looks are also most important in weddings now a days. get a best-suited hairstyle to your face and hire some professional photographer for perfect clicks. Have a great wedding ahead and keep smiling. Cheers 🙂

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