5 Best Ways to Boost Your Website’s Domain Authority

Webmasters strive towards one core objective with their website to achieve a higher rating on Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).  The benefit of a higher position on these pages is that whenever a user searches for something like services or products similar to the ones you offer, your website would be displayed at the top. It, therefore, is instrumental in getting more organic traffic on your website by improving the domain authority of your blog or website.

However, you might wonder how you can take your site to that level?

It’s not an easy task, and it requires constant effort and a lot of patience.  Furthermore, the exact method used by notable search engines like Google remains a mystery.  Nonetheless, there are metrics developed by Moz that can be used to calculate where your site stands in the ratings.

Domain Authority is one of the metrics developed by Moz, which has caught the attention of many site owners. Authority rating is a score assigned to each site, and it is a demonstration of the website’s ability to rate higher on SERPs. A higher score means an increased chance of ranking higher is increased.

Improve Domain Authority Of Website –

Domain Authority is an excellent mechanism for measuring the SEO efforts of a website. It’s also useful in keeping a check on your position among your competitors.

The DA of a website is never uniform. The ratings are continuously updated, and individual factors influence it.

Here are the top 5 ways that you can use to boost your website’s Domain Authority.

On-Page SEO Optimization

On-Page SEO optimization is one of the most contributing factors toward achieving a higher rating on SERPs. It includes optimizing the content of a specific page. However, before you can dig any deeper into it, you first need to be aware of what exactly does the term “On-page SEO” covers.

It includes:-

  • Optimized descriptions, Meta descriptions, and titles.
  • Content is written with proper use of headings
  • The URL structure of the website
  • SEO optimized permalinks
  • SEO optimizing your infographics, images, videos, and other media-related components
  • Keyword density
  • Internal linking structure
  • High-quality content

These are some of the crucial factors that need a lot of attention to ensure that your on-page SEO is optimized. The content quality is the key factor contributing the most towards getting a higher rating on SERPs.

The content needs to be within a certain word limit, and if its fact is specific, then the facts need to be accurate.

Off-page SEO optimization

Off-page SEO optimization is an overlooked aspect, yet it doesn’t mean that it lacks importance. It’s one of the most significant factors that determine the rating of the website on SERPs.

The link profile of the website needs to be healthy and clean. Such websites have a higher prospect of getting a better rating on SERPs.

A website would be considered to have a strong link profile when it has the following attributes associated with it:-

  • It consists of incoming links from websites with a higher authority rating
  • Incoming links are from websites that have a similar category
  • It does not have wrong links (low-quality links) or Spam links
  • It contains links from various unique domains

If it wants to achieve a higher rating on SERPs, a website needs to have the aspects mentioned above related to it.

Improving the content quality

The content is one of the essential things that are influential in getting a higher rating on SERPs. Apart from attracting the audience to your website, its importance extends far more, and a webmaster must be aware of it.

To get backlinks incoming from websites with a higher DA, you need to create high-quality content. If a website that rates higher than you feature your website’s backlinks, it serves as a signal to the search engine that the site’s content is worth rating.

High-quality content needs to encompass the following features:-

  • The title of the content needs to be SEO optimized
  • Keyword density needs to be controlled
  • The keyword needs to be specific and precise
  • The facts of the content need to be accurate

It would be best if you always remembered that ‘’Content is king’’ and without quality content, you are highly unlikely to achieve anything. Reader-friendly and accurate content that can be read in minimum time with maximum benefits is the key to attracting an organic audience.

The Internal linking structures

Many websites often devote all their attention to getting backlinks from a website that forgets internal linking importance. It’s undeniably essential that you get high-quality incoming backlinks, but it’s also necessary to engage with your present audience.

Internal linking has proved to be one of the most ingenious ways of increasing your website’s bounce rate. It assists in directing the audience of your website towards the things that they are trying to find. Sometimes people are busy reading something useful when encountering an internal linking pointing towards another interesting yet related article.

It also means that accessing the homepage is a lot easier, regardless of how deep it is on the website. Internal linking allows the users to engage more profoundly with the website instead of leaving annoyed when they can’t find their way around.

Using Social media to increase audience

On some occasions, Google has stated that social signals might not be one of the factors of the Google ranking algorithm. Its importance is merely limited to it. Over the years, webmasters have seen a clear pattern among pages that rank higher on SERPs and social signals.

Perhaps it’s because social sites are some of the most daily used platforms with billions of users accessing each day. If your website builds a prominent appearance on social sites, it would have access to a bigger pool of audiences that may be genuinely interested in your content.

Hence, social media’s influence in building a website’s reputation can’t be undermined. Some of the highest-rated websites on Google Search pages often have a strong social media presence

Checking the Domain Authority rating of a website

You also need to ensure that you keep a close check on your website’s Domain authority score. It’s because it will help you continually monitor your progress, and thus your efforts can be increased accordingly.

The domain authority score can be between 0 – 100. A higher score is an indication of a better rank on the Search engines. Determining the Domain Authority requires up to 40 factors to be considered. Since DA changes regularly, it isn’t a metric that can evaluate your website’s SEO performance over time but instead a site metric that can be used to compare domains.

To check the website’s DA authority, you can use the Moz official website and avail of one of their premium membership packages if required. It’s because it would provide a more in-depth analysis of the provided rating.

Several online websites provide a Bulk DA PA checker with spam score free. Websites such as the PrePostSEO or Bulkdacheck would let you check the score of several sites at once. So, if you aren’t interested in a paid membership, these sites are a great choice

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