Set Up Company’s Outlook Email ID In Android or iPhone

Setting up Company’s outlook email ID in Android or iPhone

Opening an email in a browser is a hectic task and there are many applications which will help you opening the mail directly without entering all login credentials every time in browser. Business mails are quite formal and needs immediate response so, we have to be updated or notified every time when a new email pops up into our mailbox. So, today we will list out the apps and procedure of setting up corporate outlook email on your android phone or iPhone.

There are many ways to setup a business email in your phone. If you are looking for the easiest way then it’s the OWA app. Hope you have seen this name while opening your email. OWA is an official app from outlook corporation which provides access to all your business emails easily. There are few other ways of setting up your company’s email address in your phone and we will explain you all methods and their pros.

Accessing Company Outlook emails from OWA App

As I said earlier, I am using OWA app for checking my mails daily. It’s pretty simple to use and completely secured. As it’s from the official developer, we don’t need to worry about loosing the data. Here are the easy steps to be followed to set up OWA app on your phone for business email. You can click on the below links which will redirect you directly to the app in google play and app store.

> Download OWA app from play store or App Store.

> Install it on your phone and open the app.

> Now it will ask for login credentials

> Type your company email ID and password

Now click on advanced and there will be another option called user ID. In that box, type your company user id
(For example, if you are working for cognizant then it will be like <your-ID> and if you don’t know this then reach out to your colleagues. They will know it for sure. )

> Now click on login it will show all your mails.

> That’s it, you have set up your company mail in OWA app successfully.

I highly suggest OWA because there is an added security option in this app which will allow you to enter into app after entering the password. Sounds great right and office mails should have some security.

Setting Up From Your Default Mail Account :-

This method is bit complex and may not work for all companies. It didn’t worked for me too when I tried but, for some of my other company colleagues are using this to check their company outlook emails.

This method is very simple and you don’t even need to download any app as we are setting it up in default mail app of your phone.

> Open your default email app in android or iPhone ( In iPhone you have to open mail app)

> Then click on add a new account

> Now press on the outlook

> It will ask for login credentials and username. Just follow the above mentioned procedure and type your details.

If it logins then HOLA else, try OWA app and it will work for sure.

These are the best and top two methods to set up your official outlook email ID on your phone. If you have any doubts in setting this up then do contact us or comment below and we will respond as soon as possible.

Conclusion :-

My suggestion is to go for OWA app as it will work for sure and if you are facing an insufficient memory problem then try default mail app. Hope you liked our tutorial and do drop your mail id in the subscription box below to get all latest updates from our blog directly to your mailbox for free. Cheers and have a great day ahead.

  1. dinesh says

    great article to set up company email or official email easily on our phones. Thanks

    1. Suryateja says

      Thank dinesh for your valuable comment and we will be always happy to assist you.

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