How to get rid of cramps without meds? (Menstrual Cramps for girls)

Do you suffer from menstrual cramps? Are they driving your crazy every month? You might think you’re doomed to bear this pain every month till your menstrual cycle stops, but it doesn’t have to be this way. There are ways to get rid of cramps fast. Ways that won’t require you to use pills that might have side-effects in the future or even to end up discussing birth control with your doctor. Let’s get right to it.


How to get rid of cramps

Avoid Caffeine

Caffeine is usually consumed to improve mental alertness. It stimulates the brain to help you focus and the brain, in turn, stimulates the whole body to supplement the mental alertness. The uterus is affected too. Caffeine aggravates the uterus and increases the contractions to cause more pain and discomfort. We highly recommend you steer clear of anything that has caffeine, especially coffee. Green tea and and decaffeinated coffee are good alternatives. Chocolates and some soft drinks contain caffeine too, so better blacklist them too. I know its hard to stay away from chocolate, but hey, it’s either that or the cramps. Your choice.

How to get rid of cramps without meds? (Menstrual Cramps for girls)
Say no to caffeine, How to get rid of cramps without meds? (Menstrual Cramps for girls)



Eat more Fruits and Vegetables

Eating more fruits and veggies instead of munching on chips and fries will do you more good than just keeping you fit. Studies suggest that eating healthy reduces chances and intensity of cramps. And eating lightly instead of wolfing through large meals is highly recommended.

Say no to caffeine, How to get rid of cramps without meds? (Menstrual Cramps for girls)
Eat green, How to get rid of cramps without meds? (Menstrual Cramps for girls)




Studies have shown that exercising alleviates cramps and this lasted upto three menstrual cycles. And exercising also takes your mind off the cramps and helps you focus on the exercise.

Say no to caffeine, How to get rid of cramps without meds? (Menstrual Cramps for girls)
Get fit, How to get rid of cramps without meds? (Menstrual Cramps for girls)



Take a walk

Walking will help get your beta-endorphins going, as well as reduce prostaglandins. Taking a brisk walk for 30 minutes cuts back on the pain and inconvenience significantly.

Say no to caffeine, How to get rid of cramps without meds? (Menstrual Cramps for girls)
Walking, How to get rid of cramps without meds? (Menstrual Cramps for girls)



Massage your abdomen

Gently massage your abdomen; start right at the front and work your way to the back of your spine. Massaging reduces the pain from the contractions for some time.

How to get rid of cramps without meds? (Menstrual Cramps for girls)
Massage, How to get rid of cramps without meds? (Menstrual Cramps for girls)



Take a warm bath

Taking a warm bath has been known to soothe the muscles and relax them. And that holds true to cramps too. Fill your tub with warm water and lay in it for a few minutes to get relief from the contractions.

How to get rid of cramps without meds? (Menstrual Cramps for girls)
Bath, How to get rid of cramps without meds? (Menstrual Cramps for girls)



Preventive measures

Cramps can be prevented by avoiding substances like alcohol tobacco, stress and inactivity. Leading a healthy and fit lifestyle can keep you happy and safe from cramps, hopefully.

How to get rid of cramps without meds? (Menstrual Cramps for girls)
No smoking, How to get rid of cramps without meds? (Menstrual Cramps for girls)


There are other methods like consumption of omega 3 fatty acids and ibuprofen which prevent or alleviate the contractions but the methods mentioned above are pretty legitimate and do work, keeping in mind that you follow them properly. Cramps are not inevitable and can be prevented.

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