How To Join WhatsApp Group Without Invitation

Join WhatsApp group without invitation and join WhatsApp group with link and QR code

Whatsapp has become an integral part of our life and every basic need is now linked with WhatsApp. House owners ask us to send the payment proof via WhatsApp and Managers ask us to update the current status of our project in WhatsApp. WhatsApp is also becoming more popular with groups too. Even all the trips will have a WhatsApp group created for it and all photos will be uploaded in that group. People are using WhatsApp for every occasion. Today, we are gonna teach you how to create a WhatsApp public group and invite everyone with just a link instead of adding all the members manually. Most of you might be aware of this WhatsApp new feature and we will be going to explain it completely in our post from creating a group to inviting everyone to group.

Whatsapp groups are common nowadays and every family, friends, colleagues, and even kids are having WhatsApp groups for them. So, It’s very hard for an admin to add all members to one group by searching the contact and that’s the reason WhatsApp simplified it with just one click. Yes, one click on the link will give you complete access to the particular group.

Let me start with basics on how to create a WhatsApp group as some people are not aware of it and if you are much familiar with creating groups then, scroll down to the next subheading. You can also create a WhatsApp group with a fake number too and prank your friends.

How to Create WhatsApp Group

Below are the list of steps to be followed for creating a Whatsapp public group. If you are creating a group for your family or friends then it’s better to make everyone as admin so that all the group members will have access to invite and approve the invites.

1) Install and open WhatsApp application
2) Click on “New Group” which is present on the left top of the screen in iOS and if you are using android mobile, click on the “Three dots” in the left top corner and then the New Group button.
3) Now it asks you to add at least one member and it’s mandatory to add any one member to the group for creating a group.
4) Upon adding one member, you can click on the finish and the group will be created. Thereafter, you can add any number of members up to 250 based on your requirement.

creating whatsapp group easily with simple steps

How To Invite All People To Whatsapp Group Using Link & QR Code –

Inviting more people at a time was made simple in the latest WhatsApp updates and you have got many options now to invite people to your group. Make sure that you have downloaded the latest version of WhatsApp from Google play store or App store.

1) Joining the Whatsapp group by sharing the link
2) Joining the Whatsapp group by scanning QR Code

Sharing Link For Joining Whatsapp Public Group:-

Here are the steps on how to share the group invite link and get people into the group easily. In the Telegram application also you can invite the people by just sharing the link and it has more member’s capacity for the group.

1) Open WhatsApp and get into the group you already created.
2) Now click on the group title which will show you the members of the group and above all members, you will have two options. The first one is to Add Participants where you can add your contacts and the second one is to Invite people by sharing your group link with everyone.
3) Now you can copy the link or post the link in any social media platforms or share the link through a message.
That’s it, pretty simple process and you can add all your friends even if they are not in your phone contacts list.

Also Read – Funny And Best Whatsapp Group Names 

Scanning QR Code To Join Whatsapp Group’s:-

This option is useful when the person is beside you and he just needs to scan the QR code to get into the group without any approvals.

create whatsapp group invite link for anyone

1) Follow the above process until the second step in the above-mentioned process.
2) Here, you will also find an option to share the QR code with all the people.
Above are the two basic methods to invite anyone from any place in the world to your group. Do let us know through the comments section if you have any doubts regarding this process.

Note:- Only admins will have this access to add any member or sharing the link and QR code. If you are not an admin, this option won’t be displayed to you.


This method works well when you are trying to get in touch with similar tastes people around the world where you can post the link online in any forum or Facebook or any other site. I hope this tutorial helped you in creating a WhatsApp public group invite link. Also, drop your email address in the below subscription box to get all the latest updates directly to your blog for free. Cheers and have a great day ahead.

Create a Whatsapp group to pass your quarantine time with your friends and family by sharing the funny, crazy, and inspiring content. Liked our work ? Help us by sharing our work with your friends and colleagues.

Joining WhatsApp group by sharing the link and joining by scanning QR code are the most effective used ways to join WhatsApp public group easily and without much hustle.

  1. Winniefred says

    Thank you for this post. I have just one question. How do you get people to share your invite link before they can join your group?

    1. Suryateja says

      Hi Winnie,

      Thanks for your comment and admins will have privileges to invite people to groups directly through link.

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