Phone water damage fixes and wet cell phone cpr
Phone water damage fixes and wet cell phone cpr
We all tend to be a little careless with our cell phones sometimes. We drop them by accident, get them wet or even lose them. But in most cases, the phone can still be recovered. The most common cases of phone damage are from dropping your phone followed by cell phone water damage cases. Smartphone manufacturers these days, are making phones which can resist water but they Let’s take a look at what you’re supposed to do in case your phone encounters water.
Phone water damage fixes and wet cell phone cpr
Phone water damage fixes
1. Take your phone out of water
The first step to wet cell phone cpr is the take the phone out of water. Once your phone encounters water. The water takes at least a second to get inside the phone so cell phone water damage is not 100% likely. So, immediately switch the phone off first, in order to prevent short circuiting, and then shake it vigorously in order to splash out any logged water. If your phone is connected to a charger or a usb, don’t touch it directly, you could get zapped if you do so. So don’t worry about wet cell phone cpr, first worry about being alive. Get a wooden stick or any similar non-conducting item that you can use to disconnect the charger or the usb. Acting quickly is important. Acting hastily is dangerous. So, make sure you’ll be safe while you take your phone out, before taking it out of the water. You can worry about cell phone water damage later.
Phone water damage fixes and wet cell phone cpr
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Phone water damage fixes and wet cell phone cpr
2. Remove the battery
Take the battery cover off, if it’s removable, and remove the battery. If your phone doesn’t have a removable battery cover, then you don’t have to worry about the battery since it’s well shielded. So, cell phone cpr is significantly easier for you. But what you do need to take out are sim cards, memory card and headphones. Put the phone on a dry towel for some time so that that towel.
Phone water damage fixes and wet cell phone cpr
3. Dry it off
You should make sure there isn’t any water left in your phone since water can ruin your phone and corrode the metal parts inside, like the processor and stuff. So, the best way to fix cell phone water damage is to dry the phone off perfectly. That said though, don’t just put it in the oven or in the washing machine. Cell phones are very delicate and so, you should deal with them carefully.
So, before you do anything, wipe the phone with a dry cloth or towel. Make sure you cover every corner and shake thoroughly to dispel any water from the earphone jack or the speaker grill on the phone. It’s absolutely crucial to not have any water in the phone in order for cell phone cpr to work.
If you’re using a paper towel, make sure you clean gently because otherwise, tiny bits of paper could get stuck on some parts of the phone.
If you want to use alcohol, mix it with a little amount of water and clean the areas where the battery used to be. Don’t use alcohol directly because using alcohol alone could harm your phone. I’m not saying it’d get drunk. It could get ruined. And cell phone water damage would be the least important thing on your mind, then.
Also, using a vacuum cleaner is a pretty good idea is it can suck out water from crevices but don’t use a hair dryer since all it will do is blow air towards the surface of the phone and nothing else.
Phone water damage fixes and wet cell phone cpr
4. Test the phone
Testing the phone, after it has dried off, has to be carefully. So, as part of cell phone cpr, first try switching the phone ON. If that doesn’t work, the battery’s probably dead. Try removing in the battery and connect the phone to the charger, Then, switch it on. If it still still doesn’t switch ON, you’ll probably have to take it to an authorized dealer. Word of caution, don’t fiddle with your phone unless you’re trained to do so.
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And next time you want to keep your phone safe, we recommend you buy a protective case. They’re pretty cheap and protect your phone atleast from falls, if not from water. And please be careful.
phone water damage
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