How to Stay Fit at Home? Know Here!

Staying fit is the basic necessity for everyone to perform all our daily actions without any hustle. Fitness helps us in every aspect of our day to day activities and provides free movement to every body part so that we can actively participate in any activity.

During the corona crisis, it’s highly recommended to stay fit to boost your immune power and this doesn’t come in a day or two. We have to add workouts to our lifestyle to get better immunity against these viruses. Let’s take this as a lesson and get ready to face the next crisis with better fitness levels.

Exercises To Stay Fit At Home

Not everyone will be opportune to register in a gym to keep fit. If you fall into this category, you can follow the tips below to stay fit at home. For a fitness program to be effective, it must have these components, all of which you can do at home and try the below workouts at home if your pocket isn’t supporting a gym fee.

  1. A warm-up
  2. A cardiovascular workout
  3. Strength-building exercises
  4. Flexibility moves and a cool down.

Let’s quickly jump into each part and discuss more on each workout in detail.

Warm-up Exercises –

A warm-up can be in form of an easy walk outside or a walk on a treadmill. The cardiovascular portion could be a simple jump rope so far it increases the rate of your heart. You can do push-ups, squats or carry a weight bar for the strength-building exercise.

For the flexibility move, any random exercise will suffice and you can jog on the spot for a cool down. Any workouts involving body movements including simple jump can also be counted as a warm-up exercise.

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Cardiovascular Workout –

Do a cardio circuit before breakfast to start your day off on the right foot. This short circuit involves one minute of push-ups, a one-minute plank hold, and then one minute of squats, which should be repeated three times. Also, do sit-ups as many times as you can.

These exercises can boost your immune power and helps you in performing daily activities with ease.

Wear Your Workout Clothes All Day

It could be difficult to stay at working out every day. Wearing your workout clothes early in the day puts you in the mood even if all you do all day is your chores; you are motivated to exercise anytime. You also need not worry about your clothes been stained with sweat.

With your workout clothes on, you are constantly reminded to exercise no matter how short. If you are not comfortable in the workout clothes for your other activities then we recommend you to always carry your work out clothes in a bag.

Make Everything Count

Peradventure you find out you wouldn’t make continuous exercise, you can do the activities below to stay more active:

  1. Say NO to lifts/ Escalators and Run the stairs whenever possible. This can help you burn excess calories.
  2. Walk more. You can ditch the car and take a walk down to the grocery. We also recommend you to take a small walk break in between your busy work hour.
  3. Incorporate strength training all day long.

Work with a Personal Trainer

Consider working with a trainer once a week or even every couple of weeks in your home. In-home personal training is very convenient and you have the assurance that you are doing your workouts right. With an in-home trainer you can get:

Convenience- The trainer would work around your schedule and you don’t have to go through the stress of moving around for an appointment.
Customized workouts- You’ll get workouts that fit your schedule, goals and equipment and workouts you can do on your own as well.
Motivation- It’s easier to work hard with a trainer pushing you a little.

Alternatively, you can do your home workouts with a friend, this way you can still get the motivation a personal trainer will give you (you will also have the money you would have used to get a personal trainer saved).

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