Depression and Anxiety in College Students

Students are supposed to be the happiest people because this period is full of new impressions, new people, and unforgettable events. But in reality, everything isn’t so radiant as it seems. The gloomy statistics say otherwise. The rate of anxiety, depression, and a lot of other more serious mental disorders among students increases every year. This information cannot be neglected because these problems may lead to severe consequences, including even suicide.

If you’re a student and you feel the first manifestations of the abovementioned problems, give yourself a rest. Use a fast essay writer to get personalized papers written by professional writing services like CustomWritings and free yourself from the burden of assignments.

Why Do These Problems Appear?

All people are individuals. Their minds are individual as well, so everyone may have different reasons to feel stressed and even depressed. First of all, the college or university enrollment is a turning point, and everyone experiences this differently. Some of the following circumstances may contribute to the emergence of signs of anxiety:

  • Huge workload. Students, especially freshmen, mostly aren’t used to such an abundance of duties and events. They need to manage their assignments, participate in out-of-class activities, etc. Moreover, most of them should work part- or even full-time. As a result, they simply can’t cope with everything, and at some point, they get a nervous breakdown.
  • The dramatic change of pace. Those students who move to other towns or even countries to study, feel homesick. They lose the support of parents and close friends, can’t see them at any time they want. They write them on social media, use video calls, but nothing can replace live communication. Adolescents may be simply not ready for independent living
  • The fear of future life. No one knows what will be tomorrow, and the fear of the unknown is inherent in everyone. Many are afraid that their studies won’t help them to become successful, that they won’t get a job, etc. Negative examples of acquaintances and friends only reinforce this feeling.
  • Personal problems. It isn’t worth to forget about first love and its consequences, the possible betrayal of friends and other aspects of human relationships that unhinge even mature personality.

How to Fight these Negative Conditions?

As a result of a combination of factors mentioned above, college students feel crushed, stop attending lectures, and become addicted to cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs. This whole thing worsens their already different situation. Here are the ways to deal with the anxiety and stress that should help:

  • Free some time by using help. Ask your friends to assist you with the problematic research or address the professional custom writing service, as Lots of students use it to cope with the enormous academic burden.
  • Spent some time with friends. Even if you moved far from home, you undoubtedly make new friends at your college. Bring friends and organize movie nights on the campus or go to the countryside. The critical aspect here is not to be alone. The support is of primary importance now.
  • Have some time for yourself. Do something that you like: read a favorite book, watch a movie, or play a game. It would be better even to sit and do nothing if you feel that it’s necessary now. No one knows what you need better than you.
  • Get some sleep. The lack of sleep has a bad influence on your organism as a whole. The nervous system can’t regain, and as a result, the person got worried, depressed, and despaired.
  • Go in for sports. Physical exercises increase your strength, your heart, and help to deal with bad moods. The main thing you should remember is to dose the number of training session according to your way of life and the condition of the organism
  • Keep a healthy diet. This advice smoothly follows from the previous one. Together they create unusual combinations that can make you healthier than you were before the enrollment to the college.
  • Take care of your assignments and activities, and go home. See your parents and friends, try to forget about the duties at least on weekends. It’s a kind of reboot that can clear your mind and fill your life with positive emotions.
  • Consult your psychologist. Find the local therapist on your campus or make an appointment with a private practitioner. Don’t underestimate this advice because a psychologist as nobody else knows how to find the approach to you and solve your problem. Some universities organize a support group for students who suffer from anxiety and depression, so try to find out something about such programs in your university.
  • Try to stay active. Give yourself the day offs, but don’t withdraw into yourself. It’s the worst thing you can do for yourself.

Use all the prescriptions mentioned above to save yourself from this problem. What matters is that you shouldn’t feel ashamed about this problem. If you feel excessive anxiety, you’re one of the thousands of college students in the world who suffer from it and you need to handle depression immediately.


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